Friday, August 20, 2010


This week has been a doze. Luckily I started it with a Bang, which softened the blow. A little shopping ( I was on a hunt for the "perfect cardigan"), Sangria, and some Fun In The Sun quality time, with quality friends. If it wasn't for my recent trip to B-Bank I don't think I could have survived the quandaries which awaited my return.

The Storm : Black Sheep making "bad to worse" decisions, lots of tears, a 30 day notice, my "monthly bill" and to top it off "the flu". *sniff sniff*

When it rains it pours luckily I have an umbrella :) That umbrella happens to be the people I am blessed to have in my life- with their endless phone calls/emails to make sure I am feeling okay and their boundless support I would probably hide under a rock. But I am not allowed I am loved by some pretty remarkable creatures.The only commitment I chose to make for the weekend is a fresh hair cut and beach time.. I spent Thursday evening revamping my melancholy-after storm mood.with friends, wine, and Como Agua Para Chocolate; a great foreign flick. Glad to be back!

P.S. I decided for my b-day I want to jump out of a plane with some loved ones :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Oh My Gaga, It's been about 2 yrs now that I have my long hair. Time flies, but I am ready for change. My hair is curly which requires a lot of product, when long. When it's short I MUST apply heat by straighting it at least a little bit (otherwise call you might as well call it a fro). I have had so many different hair lengths/styles that is always boils down to "Product vs Heat" and with my hair, I feel pretty coinfidant that I can pull it off especially with Moroccan Oil on my side. Straight, curly, short, long rain or shine this unique serum serves instant absorption, quenching my hair's thirst. The Big Gulp for hair. A dime size amount goes a long way transforming frizz into shine :)

First I plan will go with a Medium cut so it won't be too drastic, I require baby steps when change visits me. I foresee this event to take place within the next 2 weeks or so.

Gradually I will get to the short 'do that I am really looking forward to. Marion Cotillard is her name, she is on the cover of Vogue for the month of August, and the one to thank for my recent relish towards the short 'do with an A-symetrical twist. Luckily I have a pretty sweet side kick who happens to be my hair stylist as well as my rommie :) She is tickled pink as I am about recent "hair choices".

Be Brave, Be Bold! It's hair it'll grow back, Promise!



Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I have been meaning to create a blog for quite some time now and today I decided to begin this project and actually commit! I follow a lot of Fashion Blogs, but always prefer to be behind the camera, or just admiring. However I still want some sort of documentation of my Life, an Internet Diary if you will. I am a 30 year old addicted to Flammin' Hot Cheetos and making people feel good. I sit on a Yoga Ball in a rather large cube, for 8 hours a day the job is "meh" but it's currently my Bread and Butter.

Today I woke up from a dream that reminded me how Good It Is To Be In Love *sighs*. The man was very attractive and I was swept off my feet. Truly the man of my dreams. He was rather manly, think of Gerard Butler. Mmmmm. After that feeling went away, I dragged it out as much as possible, and was left feeling pretty ...let's just say not the best. So my first post includes things that make me smile :) This includes EQUALITY!! Sir Butler, my adorable Niece, my kitten Meeka, and Sashimi. Oh and I can't live without music, The Smiths.

Good Day To All,
